Lyrica Dosages

Thursday, February 12, 2009 | 0 Comments

I'm trying to eliminate my dependence on a sleep aid. So, I've increased my dosage of Lyrica at night. Last night I didn't have any trouble getting to sleep. I used 3 mg of melatonin. However, I started waking up around 3a, about 8 hours after my last dose.

After reading more about Lyrica, it is suggested that the max dosage for fibro is 450 mg. Higher dosages than that don't any greater effect. Also,when I take over 100 mg I'll be asleep in about an hour for about 2 hours. So higher dosages in the day are inconvenient.

With that in mind I'm going to try this:

50 mg at 8a
50 mg at 2p
200 mg at 8p

If I start to have a lot of pain during the day, I can increase my daytime dosages to 100 mg.

We'll see! :)


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