A Good Day

Sunday, November 02, 2008 | 0 Comments

When I started to write my post on Friday, I began with trying to define what made a good day good and a bad day bad. Then I decided in reality they are all good days because:
  • Every day I have the love and support of my husband
  • I have medications that help me manage the pain
  • I have the perfect job for someone with chronic pain - I work from home
  • I really am a half-glass-full person
On Thursday my pain level was at a 3. I tried my usually steps - exercising, cleaning the house, yoga but by evening it was a 4-5 even after 10mg of Loritab and Flexeril. So as Doug and I talked about it we decided I had not been getting enough sleep. We figured maybe I just needed to zone out for a day. So on Friday, I took a Lunesta at 9:00 and then slept with few interruptions until 4:00. That was a lot of sleep and it did help. I've also started takig Flexeril at night to relax my muscles so I stay asleep for the whole night.

On days like Thursday and Friday I don't get a lot done. I try not to feel guilty about it and instead stay veiw these times as regenerative and necessay.

On to Saturday and Sunday, we have beautiful weahter! Doug mostly shopped for parts for the airlines on the sub which turned out to be complicated that anticipated. Since I had taken so much medication on Friday, I was a little unsteady on Saturday. On those types of days I do not use powertools. But I can go fetch them. :) And on Sunday, we laid in the pond enjoying the unusually warm weather and then dried off in the sun, naked. Mmmmm - felt like being on vacation. :)

So, to me each of those days were good days and some were really good.


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